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How to Master Strength of Materials with R. K. Bansal's PDF Book (Free Download)

Strength of Materials by R. K. Bansal: A Comprehensive Guide

If you are an engineering student or a professional who wants to learn about the behavior of materials under various types of loads and stresses, you might have heard of the book "Strength of Materials" by R. K. Bansal. This is a popular textbook that covers the theoretical and practical aspects of strength of materials in a clear and concise manner. In this article, I will provide you with some information about the book, its benefits, its format, its contents, its price, and some alternatives that you might also like. Let's get started!

strength of materials r k bansal pdf free download

What is the book about?

The book "Strength of Materials" by R. K. Bansal is a comprehensive guide that covers the basic concepts and principles of strength of materials, as well as their applications in various engineering problems. The book is divided into twenty-five chapters that deal with topics such as stress and strain, elastic constants, thin cylinders and spheres, principal stresses and strains, strain energy and impact loading, centre of gravity and moment of inertia, shear force and bending moment, bending stresses in beams, shear stresses in beams, direct and bending stresses, deflection of beams, fixed and continuous beams, torsion of shafts and springs, riveted joints, welded joints, rotating discs and cylinders, columns and struts, bending of curved bars, theories of failures, stresses due to rotation in thin and thick cylinders, unsymmetrical bending and shear centre.

The main topics covered in the book

The book covers the following main topics:

  • Stress and strain: This topic introduces the concepts of stress and strain as measures of internal forces and deformations in a material due to external loads. It also explains the types of stress (normal, shear, bearing) and strain (linear, lateral, volumetric), as well as their relations (Hooke's law).

  • Elastic constants: This topic explains the concepts of elastic constants (modulus of elasticity, modulus of rigidity, bulk modulus) as measures of stiffness or resistance to deformation in a material. It also explains how to determine these constants experimentally or theoretically.

  • Thin cylinders and spheres: This topic deals with the analysis of thin cylindrical and spherical shells subjected to internal or external pressure. It explains how to calculate the hoop stress, longitudinal stress, volumetric strain, change in diameter and length in thin cylinders and spheres.

  • Principal stresses and strains: This topic deals with the analysis of complex stress systems where a material is subjected to more than one type or direction of stress. It explains how to find the principal stresses (maximum normal stress) and principal strains (maximum normal strain) using Mohr's circle or mathematical methods.

Strain energy and impact loading: This topic deals with the concept of strain energy as the work done by external forces in deforming a material elastically. It also explains how to calculate the strain energy due to axial load, shear load, bending load, torsion load, etc. It also deals with the concept of impact loading as a case where a material is subjected to a sudden or dynamic load. It explains how to calculate the impact load, impact stress, and impact factor.

  • Centre of gravity and moment of inertia: This topic deals with the concepts of centre of gravity and moment of inertia as measures of mass distribution in a body. It explains how to find the centre of gravity of a body using the principle of moments or integration methods. It also explains how to find the moment of inertia of a body about an axis using the parallel axis theorem or integration methods.

  • Shear force and bending moment: This topic deals with the analysis of beams subjected to transverse loads. It explains how to draw the shear force diagram and bending moment diagram for different types of beams (simply supported, overhanging, cantilever, etc.) and loading conditions (point load, uniformly distributed load, etc.). It also explains how to find the maximum shear force and bending moment in a beam.

  • Bending stresses in beams: This topic deals with the analysis of bending stresses in beams due to transverse loads. It explains how to derive the bending equation (M/I = f/y = E/R) and use it to calculate the bending stress, bending strain, radius of curvature, etc. in a beam. It also explains how to find the section modulus and moment of resistance of a beam.

  • Shear stresses in beams: This topic deals with the analysis of shear stresses in beams due to transverse loads. It explains how to derive the shear equation (VQ/It = τ) and use it to calculate the shear stress, shear strain, etc. in a beam. It also explains how to find the shear flow and shear centre of a beam.

  • Direct and bending stresses: This topic deals with the analysis of combined direct and bending stresses in beams due to axial and transverse loads. It explains how to find the resultant stress at any point in a beam using the principle of superposition or graphical methods.

  • Deflection of beams: This topic deals with the analysis of deflection or displacement of beams due to transverse loads. It explains how to derive the differential equation of deflection (EIy'' = M) and use it to calculate the deflection, slope, etc. in a beam. It also explains how to use various methods (double integration method, Macaulay's method, moment area method, conjugate beam method, etc.) to solve for deflection in beams.

  • Fixed and continuous beams: This topic deals with the analysis of fixed and continuous beams that are supported at more than two points. It explains how to find the reactions, shear force, bending moment, deflection, etc. in fixed and continuous beams using various methods (clapeyron's theorem of three moments, slope deflection method, moment distribution method, etc.).

  • Torsion of shafts and springs: This topic deals with the analysis of torsion or twisting in shafts and springs due to torque or twisting moment. It explains how to derive the torsion equation (T/J = τ/r = Gθ/L) and use it to calculate the torsional stress, torsional strain, angle of twist, etc. in shafts and springs. It also explains how to find the polar moment of inertia and torsional stiffness of shafts and springs.

  • Riveted joints: This topic deals with the analysis of riveted joints that are used to connect two or more plates or members. It explains how to classify riveted joints based on their arrangement (lap joint, butt joint) and loading (single riveted, double riveted, etc.). It also explains how to design riveted joints based on their strength (failure by tearing, shearing, crushing) and efficiency.

  • Welded joints: This topic deals with the analysis of welded joints that are used to connect two or more plates or members. It explains how to classify welded joints based on their type (fillet weld, butt weld) and position (parallel weld, transverse weld). It also explains how to design welded joints based on their strength (failure by tearing, shearing) and efficiency.

  • Rotating discs and cylinders: This topic deals with the analysis of rotating discs and cylinders that are subjected to centrifugal forces due to rotation. It explains how to calculate the radial stress, tangential stress, hoop stress, etc. in rotating discs and cylinders using various theories (Lame's theory, Rankine's theory, etc.).

  • Columns and struts: This topic deals with the analysis of columns and struts that are subjected to axial compressive loads. It explains how to classify columns and str uts based on their slenderness ratio (short column, long column) and end conditions (fixed, hinged, etc.). It also explains how to find the critical load, buckling load, Euler's load, etc. in columns and struts using various methods (Euler's formula, Rankine's formula, Johnson's formula, etc.).

  • Bending of curved bars: This topic deals with the analysis of bending of curved bars that are subjected to bending moments. It explains how to calculate the bending stress, bending strain, radius of curvature, etc. in curved bars using various methods (Winkler-Bach formula, Heywood's formula, etc.).

  • Theories of failures: This topic deals with the analysis of failure or rupture of materials due to complex stress systems. It explains how to use various theories of failures (maximum principal stress theory, maximum shear stress theory, maximum strain energy theory, maximum distortion energy theory, etc.) to determine the safe or unsafe condition of a material.

  • Stresses due to rotation in thin and thick cylinders: This topic deals with the analysis of stresses due to rotation in thin and thick cylinders that are subjected to internal or external pressure and centrifugal forces. It explains how to calculate the radial stress, tangential stress, hoop stress, etc. in thin and thick cylinders using various methods (Lame's theory, Rankine's theory, etc.).

  • Unsymmetrical bending and shear centre: This topic deals with the analysis of unsymmetrical bending and shear centre in beams that are subjected to transverse loads. It explains how to find the principal axes and principal moments of inertia of a beam section using graphical or analytical methods. It also explains how to find the shear centre or neutral axis of a beam section using equilibrium or geometric methods.

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